Well here I am on a gloomy Sunday morning wondering what I'll blog about today, the best part of this is a purring cat on my lap, she really doesn't care. Hearts and flowers and spring is actually peeping its head into this new season, the snowdrops are fully here and I've seen the odd primrose, this gives me such joy, the breaking out of life from the depths of winter always fills me with new hope, expectation of more to come and excitement for what can be created. I have planted my sweet peas, they have pride of place on the window sill and all I have to do is remember to water them, then watch the miracle of life appear before my eyes. Actually I fully recommend it, I save the inside cardboard tube in a toilet roll, they are perfect for planting sweet peas as when you want to plant them out you don't have to disturb the roots you can just put the whole thing in the ground. Then the cardboard rots away and feeds the soil, very ecological too.
So see how many tubes you can save, buy a packet of seeds and try it.
Louise x