It is great to be home from the big smoke, it has taken a while to settle back into country life after being at the Country Living Fair in Islington for a whole week, I have to say i did enjoy it though it was lovely meeting old friends and new, talking to customers who are so supportive to our work and much appreciation for all your continued support. Takings were up for the general climate of things, so thank you to every-one who bought from our stand.
One of the benefits of coming to London for the show is that our parents live in London, as well as Amelia, so it is a great opportunity to see them and catch up, we do like an excuse to get together when we can.
Coming back to the Magnolia and blossom is especially nice, and seeing that spring is well under way now gives me great pleasure in being in Devon. Looking forward to lilac blossom.
With Love Louise